Projects and engineering acitivities incl. grant titles from the programme „Zelená úsporám“ and „Panel“
order (investor): IKON spol. s r.o., správa nemovitostí v Praze
Projects and engineering acitivities incl. grant titles from the programme „Zelená úsporám“ and „Panel“
building owner (investor): IKON ltd., maintenance of the realties in Prague
Elaboration of the contract documents, engineering acitivity, energetic audits, author and technical supervision, organization of the competition of bidders for the selection of the contractors, inspection and housing approving proceedings, counselling and professional support for financing and grants from the programme „Nový panel“ and „Zelená úsporám“ etc.for IKON ltd.,the maintenance of the realties in Prague. (see the list of reference)
Project works, engineering service and technical supervision during repairs and reconstruction of the roads and pavements in the Municipal District of Prague 19 – Kbely
order (investor): MČ Praha 19, Kbely
Project works, engineering service and technical supervision during repairs and reconstruction of the roads and pavements in the Municipal District of Prague 19 – Kbely
building owner (investor): Municipal District of Prague 19, Kbely
Project works, engineering and counselling, incl. technical supervision for the Municipal District of Prague 19 during repairs and reconstruction of the roads and pavements in the Municipal District of Prague 19 – Kbely. (see the list of reference)
Engineering of storage halls in Karlovy Vary and Ústí nad Labem
order (investor): TTO Ostrava a.s.
Engineering of storage halls in Karlovy Vary and Ústí nad Labem
building owner (investor): TTO Ostrava plc.
Engineering for TTO Ostrava, construction of storage halls LC – GECO plc. Karlovy Vary and Ústí nad Labem.
Demolition of the buildings and clearing of the objects containg asbestos
order (investor): MITEX CZ s.r.o
Demolition of the buildings and clearing of the objects containg asbestos
building owner (investor): MITEX CZ ltd.
As for demolition works connected with disposal of asbestos we cooperate on a long term basis with the company MITEX CZ, ltd. (see the list of reference)
Project, engineering, energetic audits and grants for the SBD POKROK
order (investor): Stavební bytové družstvo POKROK v Praze 8
Project, engineering, energetic audits and grants for the SBD POKROK
building owner (investor): Housing association POKROK in Prague 8
Project, engineering together with energetic audits and counselling when applying for the grants from the programme „Zelená úsporám“ and „Panel“ for the Housing association POKROK in Prague 8. (see the list of reference)
ČSOB Prague, Radlice
order (investor): SKANSKA a.s.
ČSOB Prague, Radlice
building owner (investor): SKANSKA plc.
On the basis of a long term mandate contract a technical supervision was carried out from the 1st of April 2006 – external control of the quality for the company SKANSKA CZ plc., Division Project Development, when building residential and commercial objects.
Revitalization of the panel house
order (investor): SVJ Jetřichovická, Praha
Revitalization of the panel house
building owner (investor): SVJ Jetřichovická, Prague
Engineering and complex preparation of the revitalization of the panel house 739 – 748 in Jetřichovická Street in Prague 9 for SVJ Jetřichovická ul. (see the reference list)
AGROFERT Prague, Chodov
order (investor): SKANSKA a.s.
AGROFERT Prague, Chodov
building owner (investor): SKANSKA plc.
On the basis of a long term mandate contract a technical supervision was carried out from the 1st of April 2006 – external control of the quality for the company SKANSKA CZ plc., Division Project Development, when building residential and commercial objects.
Štichova, sanitation of the panel house
order (investor):
Štichova, sanitation of the panel house
building owner (investor): SVJ Štichova 648-650
SVJ Štichova 648-650 , sanitation of the panel house, counselling
BD (Housing association) Petrské náměstí, Prague – Old Town
order (investor):
BD (Housing association) Petrské náměstí, Prague – Old Town
building owner (investor):
Execution of BD (Housing association) Petrské náměstí 1664/5, Prague 1 – Old Town
Technical counselling and consulting
Technical counselling and consulting
building owner (investor): POJIŠŤOVNA KOOPERATIVA plc. and ČESKÁ POJIŠŤOVNA plc. (Insurance companies)
Technical counselling and consulting concerning insurance events for the Insurance companies KOOPERATIVA plc. and ČESKÁ POJIŠŤOVNA plc.
Engineering and counselling
order (investor): MIRI s.r.o.
Engineering and counselling
building owner (investor): MIRI ltd.
Engineering and consulting technical service for the building company MIRI
Technical supervision and engineering
order (investor): SBD Stavbař
Technical supervision and engineering
building owner (investor): SBD (Housing association) Stavbař
Technical supervision and engineering for the SBD Stavbař, housing association, panel house, Mnichovická 715-717, Prague, for SVJ Mnichovická 715-717, sanitation and reconstruction of the panel house
order (investor):
order (investor):
entrée ing a.s.
Spinozova 1825/7
143 00 Praha 4 - Modřany
Tel.: 606 312 841