Reconstructions and repairs of the balconies

Balconies usually have these defaults:  

  • falling-off of the covering layers of the armature with succeeding corosion of the ceilings of balconies or balcony desks
  • corosion of anchoring elements and constructions of steel railings and armatures and anchors of the concrete railings

On the basis of an examination we will project and implement a repair of balconies ranging from supporting panels and floor layers, ralings and walls, eventually we can provide the glazing of the balconies which enlarges the habitable space and saves even more heat. Our solution removes commonly appearing defaults such as parting of the original construction of the balcony from insulated enclosure walls, in-leaking of the water into interiors of the flats or in-leaking through the balconies to lower floors. In the course of the reconstruction and repair of the balconies we follow all regulations of the static security of the buildings (anchoring of new parts into the present construction) and we also follow the rules for sanation of concrete parts with steel armature clearing of the corosion with a succeeding sanation of the concrete). This can prevent from a creation of a new corosion and will help to reestablish the required statical function of suportive elements.